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Friday, September 30, 2011

Call Girls Wallpaper

Call Girls Wallpaper

Call Girls Wallpaper
There are a million-and-one things that could turn a girl off from the moment you meet her to the moment you make it back to your place (we’re talking sex people). If we are being honest, this wallpaper may be one of those landmines. In fact, you might be better off leaving porn up on your MacBook. Now, that being said, slapping this Call Girls Wallpaper up is also a great way to find out if she’s into art and tasteful nudity (definition of “tasteful” may vary). The x-rated design features a handful of poster ads you might see in the back of a foreign magazine or strewn about a city. If your virgin eyes can’t handle it (or if your mom pays you frequent visits) you can always cover the fun areas with the green star stickers the wallpaper comes with. $128

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ferrari 340 Competizione

Ferrari 340 Competizione
            It's one thing to take a classic car and make it look modern — but it's quite another to take a new car and make it look classic. That's the idea behind the Ferrari 340 Competizione ($TBA). Built to pay homage to the 1952 Ferrari 340 Mexico — which was limited to just three examples — the Competizione is a one-off that began life as a Ferrari 456 GT, and kept its 470hp, 5.4L V12 and six-speed manual while gaining new aerodynamics, suspension, brakes, an interior that recalls the 340 Mexico while retaining some modern niceties, and, of course, new aluminum bodywork.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Liqour Ratings


If you're looking for the finest and most flavor alcohol of any assortment, I have a new website for you. Whiskey goldmine, is a new website with the history and rating of every cigar or alcohol company in history and they always update their stock for new brands coming out. They also rate each individual product in order to give a clear understanding of the taste of each product.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Brooklyn Smasher & Crusher

Brooklyn Smasher & Crusher
Unless you’re playing high school ball or are on a company softball team drinking Bud Light and slowly losing your hand-eye coordination, you probably prefer the crack of the ball off a wooden bat as opposed to the aluminum “ting” of a metal slugger. We’ve seen enough MLB games to know that broken bats could be seriously dangerous though (especially when they land at Roger Clemens’ feet). Since we aren’t taking home an A-Rod size paycheck when we’re playing a game, we’ll take our precautions with either the Brooklyn Smasher or Brooklyn Crusher. Since they are molded out of heavy-grade polypropylene, not matter what you’re hitting these bats won’t break. They won’t rot or splinter either and won’t make a “ping” each time you’re up like you just ripped one off a tee. $40-45

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Barbour Steve McQueen Collection

Barbour Steve McQueen Collection

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If this is the case, Steve McQueen’s cheeks would be a bright rosy red if he saw how many shout-outs we gave him on our site (except he wouldn’t because he’s too cool for that). Is it bad that we want to be just like him? Okay, that’s not completely true, we want to be individuals, but we wouldn’t mind stealing a few pieces from his wardrobe. The Steve McQueen Collection from Barbour lets us live out our Bullit fantasies (minus the ‘Stang) with tees, jackets and button-downs centered around the King of Cool. Few legends have a style that is completely timeless—we love Zeppelin but couldn’t imagine rocking those jeans at any point in our lives—but McQueen’s pieces are like backbones of a dude’s closet. $TBD

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mophie Battery Reserve

Juice Pack Reserve

Fact: I'll never be satisfied with the battery life of a phone. Even in some distant future I’ll probably say, “This thing only stays on for seven months?! What a piece of shit.” When you’ve got Twitter feeds, pages of apps and texts to fire off, your iPhone battery can die quicker than the ugly girl in a horror movie. Luckily, there’s the Juice Pack Reserve from mophie. Keep it on your keyring and give your iPhone battery a quick shot of adrenaline. The high-output battery allows for super fast charging and there are no cables needed to use it. Just remember that it is going to be a tad tougher to tell your wife or girlfriend that you didn’t call because your battery died. $35

Monday, September 12, 2011

Radiohead Decade Album

Radiohead's In Rainbows came out on 10/10/2007, 10 years after OK Computer, and there are 10 letters in the names of both albums. Additionally, OK Computer's original working title was Zeroes and Ones, or "01," (the mirror image of "10" ... obviously). Even that last part alone is enough to make Radiohead fans start looking for a crazy conspiracy, as you're probably aware if you've ever had to spend a long car ride sitting beside one. The scary part? This time they'd be totally right.

This is what doing a whippet on the highway looks like.
There's a way to combine the tracks from OK Computer (hereinafter referred to as 01) and In Rainbows (hereinafter referred to as 10), to form one huge mega-album. As Puddlegum explains, "To create the 01 and 10 playlist, begin with OK Computer's track one, "Airbag," and follow this with In Rainbow's track one, "15 Step." Alternate the albums, track by track, until you reach "Karma Police" on OK Computer, making "All I Need" the tenth track on the 01 and 10 playlist." It's not that they sound nice together; it's that these songs were definitely meant to make us shit our pants when played like this. In the way that "Golden Slumbers," "Carry That Weight" and "The End" all flow into each other on The Beatles' Abbey Road, these songs all flow into one another as well, as if they were all recorded in one big session.
Don't believe us? Just listen to it. To get the full effect, you need to set your player with a 10-second crossfade between tracks (more 10s!), but you can notice most stuff without doing that. Then shit your pants.

Is Thom York moody, or is he acting like he just crapped his pants
as a really subtle clue?
This blogger points out that the song "Nude" (10 album), starts with the reverb from "Subterranean Homesick Alien" (01 album) still lingering, and the beats at the end of "Airbag" (01) set the tempo for "15 Step" (10). There's nothing unusual about that ... except when you consider that those songs were written and recorded 10 years apart. The pants-shitting synchronicity also applies to the lyrics. Puddlegum gives some examples and says: "There appears to be a concept flowing through the 01 and 10 playlist. Ideas in one song [are] picked up by the next." In fact, one of the songs from In Rainbows was originally written for OK Computer and not used for 10 years, and the title of another seems to sum up the whole thing: "Jigsaw Falling Into Place."

Alternate way to sum it up.
Remember all that "10" stuff we mentioned up top, about the date, the time between albums, the number of letters in the titles and whatnot? Want more? Radiohead themselves announced In Rainbows only 10 days before it came out (which is rather unusual), and the announcement was followed by a series of 10 cryptic messages posted by the band on their website. That's nothing new: Cryptic messages might be the only way alternative rock musicians know how to communicate. But then Radiohead fans, being Radiohead fans, noticed that the messages emphasized the letter X (one image was titled "Xendless Xurbia"). And, say, isn't "X" the Roman numeral for 10? Plus, let's take a look at this cover art real quick.

Oh, look, two 10s. Huh.
The band has never officially confirmed any of this, though Puddlegum claims Thom Yorke was annoyed by how long it's taken people to figure it out. Come on, dude -- not all of us are insane alien geniuses.

check it out - http://c.itunes.apple.com/us/imix/radiohead-ultimate-album/id464682696

Friday, September 9, 2011

Custom Cedar Cigar Box Powered Speakers

Custom Cedar Cigar Box Powered Speakers

            Some of us enjoy cigars regularly while others wait for the birth of a baby, the crowning of a championship team or a few too many tequilas with friends. Whatever the occasion may be, our interest is based on the smooth, mellow and relaxing feel of a good cigar—kind of like the audio you’ll get from these Custom Cedar Cigar Box Powered Speakers. We’re not talking blasting the Jay-Z and Kayne record with these things, we’re more thinking some low-fi stuff while we chill. The Maduro Sonos desktop speakers feature 2.5″ aluminum cones nicely mounted inside cedar cigar boxes. They’re self-powered and, while they won’t blow your windows out or crack your computer screen with insanely deep bass, they will provide you with some conversation pieces that are extremely functional. We’d say light up something made in Havana and put your iPod mellow mix on shuffle and call it an evening. $350

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nike LunarGlide+ 3

Nike LunarGlide+ 3
           Nike has always been at the top of the pile (or bottom, depending on perspective) when it comes to shoes that do more than just look good. The LunarGlide+ 3 is no different. Using a combination of science, design and pure black magic, Nike has managed to create a shoe that looks like a combination of a moon shoe and a sneaker that’s outfitted with the podiatric equivalent of NASA technology. It all starts with what Nike likes to call dynamic support. We won’t get into the super sciency explanation of it all (mostly because we don’t get it), but there are basically two different wedges of foam (one soft and one firm) in the shoe that give you all the support you need when you run. There’s also a midfoot strap to support under your foot, billow-like cushions and a bucket seat heel clip for added support. It’s a sneaker for the 22nd century that you just happen to be able to buy now. $100

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


         We have serious envy of Hawaiian residents who work at small shops to make just enough money for a place and spend the rest of their days surfing. Paradise (except we’d miss our gadgets). However, even those who live on the beach can’t be riding waves all day, there’s that in-between time when… you know… you’re on land. For this little dilemma the guys at Hamboards spent the last eight years dedicating themselves to replicating the surfing experience on land. Hopping on a Hamboard is like carving through the ocean only instead of ocean you’ve got pavement or blacktop. Through lots of trial and error they found the perfect combo of trucks, wheels, bolts and bearings to put the feeling of surfing at your feet regardless of what piece of Earth you’re on. Also great for guys who can’t swim. $435-695

Friday, September 2, 2011

Indochino Pants

Indochino Pants
         No matter how hard you look, you're not going to find a pair of pants that fit you better than these Indochino Pants ($140-$160). The reason being, of course, is that they're custom tailored to your exact dimensions using quality, premium fabrics, and allow you to choose details like the cuff and pocket lining, whether or not you want suspender buttons, and whether or not you want to rock a pleated look.