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Friday, July 8, 2011

Zumreed Hybrid Speaker Headphones

Zumreed Hybrid Speaker Headphones

How many different ways do you have to get your music off of your cell phone into your ears? How about out of your computer? Between the earbuds or headphones with all the hyperneodidium dynamamic-super-hyperactive whosits and the speakers with the built-in bass whatsits, the number is astronomical. They’re all great in their own right, but is it so much to ask to have one go-to pair that does everything we want? We don’t think it is and neither does Zumreed. Their new Zumreed Hybrid Speaker Headphones are just that – a hybrid of speakers and headphones. These bad boys go from standard over-the-ear style studio cans with 40mm drivers and 104db sensitivity to speakers with the flip of one simple switch. The next time you wanna share the new Gaga track with everyone around you you don’t have to blow out your own ear drums in the process. $160

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