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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lytro Camera

Lytro Camera

Look, there’s only so much Photoshop can do to fix a crappy photo. Even with that new un-blur thing Adobe just announced it still can’t account for your inability to focus. Basically that means if you’re too drunk to hold the camera steady you’re fine, but if you were too drunk to set your lens correctly when you started shooting you’re SOL—unless you have the Lytro Camera. The Lytro lets you focus images after you take them. While that sounds pretty magical, let us lay down some science for you. The Lytro captures an entire light field (meaning all of the light traveling in every direction) and with all that information captured you can focus and re-focus any part of the picture at anytime. So now the only thing you have left to worry about is composition… and staying sober enough to not drop your new camera. $399

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