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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shoes Shoes Shoes (dressing for the interview) part. 2

     While we all know that suits and their quality are of utmost importance to look great in the business world, but to complete the look you must always have a great pair of shoes. What companies make exceptional fine shoes? Well, here are a few brands

    Shoes by John Lobb, starting at around ($1,100) or ($1,500) for their nicer shoes. From selecting the leather to placing the completed shoe in it's signature yellow box, each pair of John Lobb's is subjected to 190 individual steps during the manufacturing process. 

     Shoes by Salvatore Ferragamo, starting at at around ($300- $4,000). Salvatore Ferragamo dedicated his life to the search for a secret: The shoe that fits well. When he began studying the human anatomy in the united states he found his first clue to the problem, in the distribution of the body's weight over the joint's of the foot. "I discovered- he wrote- that the weight of our bodies when we are standing erect drops straight down on the arch of the foot. He constructed his revolutionary Lasts, which supporting the arch, make's the foot act like a pendulum. 

   Shoes by Berluti, stating at ($700 to upwards of $2,000). Creating a pair of these shoes is a process that encompasses 250 different steps. However, producing a pair of these shoes is a score played with four hands: it carries the craftsman's imprint and the personality of the customer who ordered them. 

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